Visit Ranua

Arktinen hillakylä

Ranua on keskellä etelä-Lapin matkailukohteita – tänne on helppo tulla. Vieraanvarainen Ranua ottaa sinut huomaansa. Ympärillä on monimuotoinen erämaaluonto järvineen ja soineen. Luonto on rikkaus, jota vaalitaan ja jaetaan myös kulkijoille. Täällä koet aitoja elämyksiä omannäköisellä lomallasi. Tervetuloa!


Culinary Experiences in the Woods

Forest Dining experiences, Wine in the Woods and other culinary experiences are waiting for you in the vast forests of Nuuksio.

Embrace the Forest

Wining, dining and sleeping in the forest will set your mind free. Breath in, let the forest scents embrace you and lower the heartbeat.

Events and celebrations

Weddings, anniversaries and other gatherings will find an amazing set up in Nuuksio. Traditions and nature will lead the way. 

Wilderness is close

Visit Ranua surprises with its massive size but also landscapes, flora and fauna.

Fresh Ingredients from the Forest

Wild herbs, high quality raw materials and well designed culinary concepts will take to a journey to Finnish flavours. 

Find Your Favorite Spot

Come with friends or family, for business or pleasure – Visit Ranua gives you space to think, to relax and to rewind. Enjoy the moment at its fullest.

Outdoor Life Filled with Action

Visit Ranua invites you to dive into the Nature. The trails are waiting for you, ponds and lakes are glimmering and berries and mushrooms are waiting. It’s time to dive in.


  #visitranua #ranua #hilla #hillasuo #foresttherapy