Sustainable Nordic luxury

Sustainable Northern Luxury


Northern Luxury Consulting follows the principles of sustainable tourism and takes into account all aspects of sustainability in its business activities: ecological sustainability, cultural sustainability and heritage, social sustainability and well-being, and economic sustainability and competitiveness.

We develop tourism in cooperation with Visit Finland, regional operators and our business network. The Northern Luxury Collection network invites companies that meet sustainability criteria and commit to sustainable development principles to become members. You cannot join our network for money, but we only select companies that are at the top of their field in a particular area and represent Nordic luxury in its truest form - each with its own strengths.

Our members are privately owned companies, whose owners are themselves present in the business and are generally located outside urban areas. Chain hotels and investor-owned properties are excluded. Knowing our members personally ensures that the network is committed to the same values and brings together like-minded people with a common mission: to make the world a better place through their actions in tourism. Each member of the network brings their own expertise to the network for the benefit of other members, and each member has their own characteristics that have led to their selection.

We market NLUX Collection destinations to small specialist and quality-conscious tour operators around the world and curate all our sales partners on a value-based basis. Our tour operators' clients are primarily looking for quality authentic and authentic experiences owned by local entrepreneurs.

The tourism and services businesses invited to the Northern Luxury Collection are assessed across six different areas:

1. STAY: the quality, style, locality and aesthetics of the accommodation and the construction techniques and materials used

2. EAT: authenticity of the food product, local and locally sourced ingredients and cooperation with other entrepreneurs in the area

3. DO: activity services with an emphasis on 'soft' nature activities without machine power and nature as a source of human well-being, traditions and the commodification of everyday life in the North.

4. RELAX: wellness and sauna services that are based on our cultural heritage, are part of Finnish life, use natural raw materials and are produced with high quality.

5. SHOP: products from local craftsmen and artisans, and locally designed and produced design products

6. EVENTS: events that employ local people and highlight cultural heritage, draw on local indigenous festivals and traditions, and put nature and the natural lifestyle at the heart of the event.


The Northern Luxury Collection represents a new luxury based on our sustainable lifestyle:

1. Nordic luxury is born from our close-to-nature lifestyle and connection with nature

2. Our food is the purest in the world and we can directly use the bounty of forests and water bodies to produce quality food products.

3. Our forests, fells, lakes and archipelagos are our wellbeing centres and venues, which we must nurture.

4. Bringing artisan products under one umbrella brand creates jobs in rural areas

5. Food products represent local food traditions, respect the harvest season and make use of local food.

6. Using the existing building stock instead of always building new can save the environment and reduce carbon dioxide emissions 



The companies selected for our network must have sustainable development principles at the heart of their business and the will to move towards transformative tourism - We require all member companies to have either an official sustainability certificate or, alternatively, a self-written sustainability document that takes into account all three pillars of sustainability.

- In-depth knowledge of destinations and itineraries reduces the need for foreign tour operators to travel to visit destinations on the ground, ensures the best possible package for the end customer and extends the length of stay

- The travel packages we build are always at least two days long, and in most cases we recommend 5-7 day trips to minimise the carbon footprint - All member companies must clearly communicate their sustainability objectives on their websites and also actively communicate them to their customers

- Our member companies do not use disposable containers under any circumstances, they choose small artisan-made dishes for restaurant plates or Finnish design, which can also be bought to take home as souvenirs - Accommodation providers must have recycling facilities organised for their customers and the importance of recycling must be properly communicated.

- The heating system chosen must be as ecological as possible, taking into account the environmental conditions, and the choices must also be justifiable to the end customer as part of a productised package.

- Water-saving options have been chosen for showers and taps and customers are informed about water and electricity consumption and the environmental impact of changing towels and sheets - We select sites that take into account nature conservation and restoration and these measures are productised into quality customer experiences

- The entrepreneurs in our network choose natural interior design materials and ecological, high-quality textiles that highlight local craftsmen and Finnish design.

- Our destinations are at the forefront of the tourism industry, offering customers eco-travel and the opportunity to reduce their carbon footprint and offset their emissions.

- Our menus are built responsibly, respecting local food traditions and using local ingredients from local and small-scale producers, minimising food waste.



We cherish our cultural heritageand highlight customs and traditions that allow tourists to experience something unique and memorable compared to mass destinations

- Some of our sites have been selected specifically for their cultural and historical value, and we highlight the history of the site and its importance to the development of the area.

- Each of the Collection categories we present - New Heritage, Rural Farmhouse and Cabin life - represents our heritage in a different way and we therefore give priority to selecting items that fall into these categories.

- By supporting small local entrepreneurs and selecting them for our portfolio, we give them the opportunity to be seen and heard as part of a larger group of similar sites, as they alone would not have the financial resources to achieve the same visibility.

- Our destinations have a wide and effective local network, with which we can provide the necessary services to customers with high quality and employing local actors.

- We personally visit each site to meet the owners and other staff to ensure responsible practices and treatment of people.

- We build long-term, trusting business relationships and friendships with entrepreneurs who have joined our network.

- We aim to learn about the business environment and its characteristics of the entrepreneurs in our network, so that we can take into account the local economy and develop it as part of our network's activities.

- We share best practices across the network and, for example, sites that have targeted people with reduced mobility and invested in accessibility serve as a model for other sites in our network.

- Using local products and services as part of the service package is part of our service promise and Nordic luxury and ensures an authentic experience.

- All our sites are chosen for their authenticity and history and therefore we can guarantee that there is no cultural appropriation, e.g. Sámi traditional clothing and the rules for its use are self-evident for every Sámi entrepreneur.

- Cultural heritage is one of the cornerstones of Nordic luxury and each of our entrepreneurs has been selected for a heritage-related reason.

- Tour operators value well-produced and high-quality destinations that are authentic and original, and so we make sure that every destination we choose meets these criteria.

- We encourage all our members to join Gay Travel Finland, if they are not already a member, and also to attend the inclusivity training.



Members of our business network use the products and services of local entrepreneurs and communicate them to their customers

- NLUX Shop highlights products from local artisans

- Our network members use local labour and we have developed practices within the network to share labour and recommend good performers to each other.

- We do not accept companies with a poor employer reputation, sexual harassment, financial crimes or convictions for environmental crimes.

- We do not blindly base our choices on the certificates we have completed, but do our own critical curation through a variety of channels.

- We appreciate entrepreneurs and sites that have employed local talent, saved buildings of cultural and historical significance, put existing buildings to new business uses, embraced local customs and stories, and become part of the local community, even if they are not necessarily local.

- We are looking to partner with financiers and investors who are committed to responsible purchasing and investment, value-based ways of working for the local community and responsible long-term business practices.





We Care


Our goal is to transform countryside into luxury and to enhance the rural brand as an attractive option for international tourists who value high quality.


Northern Luxury Consulting Oy adheres to the principles of sustainable tourism and considers all aspects of responsibility in its business: ecological sustainability, cultural sustainability and heritage, social sustainability and well-being, as well as economic sustainability and competitiveness.

We develop tourism in collaboration with Visit Finland's regional operators and the Northern Luxury Friends business network. Companies that meet sustainability criteria and are committed to sustainable development principles are invited to join our network. Membership is not available for purchase; we select companies that are leaders in their field and represent Nordic luxury in their own unique way. Our members are privately owned companies whose owners are actively involved in the business and are mostly located outside urban areas. Chain hotels and investor-owned properties are not part of our selection. Knowing our members personally ensures the network's commitment to the same values and brings together like-minded individuals with a common mission: to improve the world through their actions in tourism. Each member brings their expertise to the network for the benefit of other members and has unique characteristics that led to their selection.


Our mission is to promote rural employment, preserve cultural heritage, and maintain rural vitality by supporting small local tourism entrepreneurs, artisans, and food producers. We present ways to save and develop existing building stock for service business use and strive to find ways to train and employ professionals to meet the needs of new luxury.

We market Northern Luxury Collection destinations to small, specialized, and quality-conscious tour operators worldwide and curate all our sales partners based on values. The customers of our tour operators primarily seek high-quality, authentic, and original experiences owned by local entrepreneurs.

Northern Luxury Collection includes tourism and service businesses that are evaluated based on six areas:

  • STAY: Quality, style, locality, aesthetics, and construction techniques and materials used in accommodation
  • EAT: Authenticity of food products, locality, and ingredients from local producers, and collaboration with other local entrepreneurs
  • DO: Activities emphasizing 'soft' nature activities without motor power, nature as a source of human well-being, traditions, and the commercialization of northern daily life
  • RELAX: Wellness and sauna services based on our cultural heritage, part of Finnish life, utilizing natural ingredients, and quality commercialization
  • SHOP: Products from local artisans and craftsmen, as well as locally designed and manufactured design products
  • EVENTS: Events that employ local people and highlight cultural heritage, drawing from local traditional celebrations, and emphasise nature and a natural lifestyle

Northern Luxury Collection destinations represent new luxury based on our sustainable lifestyle:

  • Nordic luxury arises from our nature-oriented lifestyle and connection to nature
  • Our food is the cleanest in the world, and we can turn the offerings of forests and waters into high-quality food products
  • Our forests, fells, lakes, and archipelago are our wellness centres and event venues that we must cherish
  • Collecting artisan products under one umbrella brand creates jobs in sparsely populated areas
  • Food products represent local food traditions, follow the harvest season, and use local ingredients
  • Using existing building stock instead of always building new saves nature and reduces CO2 emissions



Our network members must have sustainability principles at the core of their business and a commitment to moving towards regenerative tourism. We require all member companies to have either an official sustainability certificate or a self-written sustainability document that considers all three pillars of sustainability. Deep knowledge of destinations and routes reduces the need for foreign tour operators to travel on-site for familiarization trips, ensures the best possible travel package for the end customer, and extends the stay. Our travel packages are always at least two nights long, and we often recommend 5-7 day trips to minimize the carbon footprint. All member companies must clearly state their sustainability goals on their websites and actively communicate them to their customers.



We present a curated collection of the highest-quality, most sustainable, and aesthetically beautiful destinations in the Nordic countries to international tour operators. The target group is quality-conscious, experienced travellers seeking authentic and original experiences, valuing high-quality food, personal service, and privacy.

Our member companies do not use disposable tableware under any circumstances, and they select small artisan-made dishes or Finnish design for restaurant use, which can also be purchased as souvenirs. Accommodation providers must have organised recycling opportunities for customers and inform them appropriately about the importance of recycling. The heating system is chosen as ecologically as possible, considering the environmental conditions, and the choices must be justifiable to the end customer as part of the overall product. Showers and faucets are chosen to save water, and customers are informed about the environmental impact of water and electricity consumption and the frequency of towel and linen changes. We select destinations that consider nature protection and restoration, and these measures are commercialized into high-quality experiences for customers. Our entrepreneurs choose natural interior materials and ecological and high-quality textiles for customer use, highlighting local craftsmanship and Finnish design. Our destinations are pioneers in the tourism industry, offering customers ecological travel options and the possibility to calculate and offset their carbon footprint. The menus of our destinations are built responsibly, respecting local food traditions and using local, small, and local producers' ingredients, minimizing food waste.



We cherish cultural heritage and highlight ways and traditions through which tourists can experience something unique and memorable compared to mass destinations. Some of our destinations are specifically chosen based on their cultural and historical significance, and we bring out the site's history and its importance to the region's development. Each of our Collection categories: New Heritage, Rural Farmhouse, and Cabin Life represent our cultural heritage in different ways, and we primarily select destinations that belong to these categories. Supporting small local entrepreneurs and selecting them for our collection gives them visibility and recognition as part of a larger group of similar destinations, as they would not have the financial resources for the same visibility on their own. Our destinations have an extensive and functional local network, ensuring the necessary services for customers are arranged with quality and employing local actors. We visit each destination personally to meet the owners and staff to ensure responsible practices and proper treatment of people. We create long-term and trusting business and friendship relationships with the entrepreneurs who join our network. We strive to familiarize ourselves with the business environment and characteristics of our network entrepreneurs to consider the local economy and develop it as part of our network's operations. We share best practices among the network, and those destinations that have focused on accessibility for people with disabilities and invested in accessibility serve as model examples for other destinations in our network.



Cabin Life Collection brings together the highest quality cabin experiences, adventure accommodations, and wilderness experiences with services. Rural Farmhouse Collection elevates traditional rural tourism to a luxury level, without forgetting traditional foods, rural idylls, and authentic lived experiences. New Heritage Collection showcases culturally and historically significant destinations, manor romance, and aristocratic lifestyles from past decades to the present day.


Using local products and services as part of the service package is part of our service promise and Nordic luxury, ensuring an authentic experience. All our destinations are chosen based on their authenticity and history, ensuring no cultural appropriation occurs; for example, the rules for using traditional Sámi clothing are self-evident to each Sámi entrepreneur. Cultural heritage is one of the cornerstones of Nordic luxury, and each entrepreneur in our network has been selected for a reason related to cultural heritage. Tour operators appreciate well-commercialized, high-quality, yet authentic and original destinations, and our task is to ensure each chosen destination meets these criteria. We recommend each member join Gay Travel Finland, if they are not already members, and take inclusivity training.



Our network members use local entrepreneurs' products and services and communicate them to their customers. NLUX Shop highlights products from local artisans. Our network members use local labor, and we have developed internal practices within the network to share labor and recommend good workers to each other.

We do not accept companies with a bad reputation as employers, sexual harassment cases, financial crimes, or environmental crimes into our network. We do not base our selections solely on completed certifications but conduct our own critical curation through various channels. We value entrepreneurs and destinations that have employed local experts, saved culturally significant buildings, and used existing building stock for new purposes.



We offer comprehensive concept design services and a wide range of visual storytelling tools for service and tourism companies that invest in quality and high-level customer service experiences.

Consider local customs and stories in business use and become part of the local community even if you are not necessarily local. We seek partners, financiers, and investors whose goals are responsible purchases and investments, value-based ways of working for the local community, and responsible long-term business.



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