Destination Dining

Hali Hideaway

Photos by Niki Strbian Photography

Welcome to enjoy a visual food journey, a sensual menu and a delicious atmosphere at the Hali Hideaway stables in Raasepori. 

NLUX Destination Dining is a concept that combines an experiential environment, a Michelin-level dining experience and local producers into a storytelling and taste-memorable experience.

The next events will take place in spring and more information will be available in early 2023.

In the upper reaches of the garage

In Marika's skilful hands, the raw space of the stables was transformed into a magnificent forest cottage and the group of twenty participants enjoyed a 5-course menu, where each dish had its own story to tell. 

Glass blowing and artisan food

Destination Dining's menu was prepared by Michelin-starred chef Markus Aremo.

Glassblowing is now Markus Aremo's great passion and we are lucky to have him on our team and as our chef.

Genuine presence

Creating a multi-sensory experience and atmosphere is a skill. 

At Hali Hideaways, we also combined the food experience with a meditation exercise led by Mikaela Vuorisalmi. 

Dinner menu

The dinner menu was built in collaboration with primary producers using high quality ingredients, keeping the flavours pure and clean. 


Pike perch, chanterelles and artichokes, cucumber with horseradish and yoghurt sauce


Forest mushroom picking from the Birkkala pearl field, duck sausage from Viltgården birds and spruce oil


Koskenkartano's certified Hereford sirloin and brisket, celeriac and thyme sauce


Herkkujuustola's pine-flavoured Metsuri red apple cheese and local food trend pioneer JuhlaVilho (10 months)


Berries, salted caramel and vanilla ice cream

Storytelling taste experiences

Destination Dining is more than a restaurant dinner.

It is a love of food provenance, artisan gastronomy and craftsmanship. It is a return to the roots, to a world of simple and clear flavours.

Details and warmth

The small details of the table setting, the fir trees hanging in the air, the large chandelier on the table and the hundreds of candles made it a memorable event. 

Taste memories

Encountering new taste experiences in a memorable environment will leave a taste memory. It's something you carry with you for a long time - if not forever. 

At Hali Hideaways, the place of taste memory was claimed by the velvety Viltgården pork sausage. 

The power of the network

We would like to thank all our partners, whose great products made it possible for us to put together a memorable package.

Birkkala farm


Koski Manor


0.03 Beetroot root of beetroot


  #destinationdining #tableescape #experiencedinner #foodstory #food tourism

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What is Destination Dining?

NLUX Destination Dining offers high quality gourmet experiences in surprising environments outside urban centres. We highlight primary producers from different regions, aesthetic places to visit and stay, and offer Michelin-level dining experiences served by top Finnish professionals.

Our aim is to make Finland an attractive food tourism destination for foreign visitors, to inspire domestic tourists to discover new taste experiences outside urban areas and to develop food products into storytelling packages that highlight the characteristics of the destination. 

We want to build a comprehensive network of interesting and high-quality rural food experiences in Finland, combining the story of place and food, experience and authenticity. 


Markus Aremo is known as a Michelin-starred and strong chef with a clear and principled vision of the industry. 

Aremo is looking for innovative solutions for the future of cookery education.

"My dream of a private restaurant school is still alive. I strongly believe in small, private operators taking responsibility for education."

Aremo has also always been interested in design and trained as a glassblower.   

"Glassblower, ceramist, chef, waiter and designer should be put at the same table from the very beginning of their education. The different phases of food culture, the history of gastronomy and Finnish restaurant life should be presented in the form of comprehensive teaching modules."

Michelin stars: Restaurant George, 2004-2006 and Restaurant Carma 2008


Hali Hideaway organises wellbeing education and events in our restorative environment, surrounded by beautiful nature and the calming energy of animals.

The main building accommodates around 15 people and provides teaching facilities for around 20 people. The stable building has 5 paddocks and a spacious and beautiful winch room. 

Tallinylinen is ideal for retreats, dinners and parties.

It takes an hour to drive from the capital region to us. The train station is less than 10 minutes away.